Wednesday, August 29, 2018

To My Sisters in Christ


My Dear Sister in Christ,

The greatest Gift this world was given was Jesus.

You had this Gift waiting for you before you were ever born.

All of the world has this Gift in store for them.

Not all take the Gift.

Not all value the Gift.

Many never truly find out the blessings that come with this Gift.

Jesus came to give “knowledge”.

Knowledge of the Father.

Knowledge of His blood.

Knowledge of His Name.

Knowledge of the Holy Spirit.

Not all find out the riches of this knowledge.

Satan blocks many through fear, unbelief, condemnation and guilt.

He works to make sure that “unworthiness” becomes the strong-hold in many lives.

He brings the grave clothes of the past sins, failures, mistakes, regrets, and seeks to drape the souls (mind, will and emotions) of men and women daily in these filthy rags.

But, for those who “seek” to receive the knowledge of grace, mercy and faith through the Word of God; they obtain the key to freedom.

You must learn to “take” hold of God’s Truth for yourself.

No one else can do this for you.

You must learn to “value” the Gift of your salvation.

You must “find” the riches of Truth that has been designed by your Father to release blessing after blessing upon you.

Don’t let a fallen angel rob you.

He can only work through vain imaginations, lies and deceit.

Recognize his works.

Rebuke his thoughts.

Put God’s Word IN your mind and WALK in freedom today.

Your Big Sister…Charlotte

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