Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Owning Your Life

Morning Glory...

Psalms 101:8..."Morning after morning, I will root up all the wicked in the land, that I may eliminate all the evildoers from the city of the Lord."

The Israel Bible states that this Psalm was a report from King David to God.  He was responsible to ensure justice and maintain the sacred character of Jerusalem so that the people could dwell safely within their land.  This entire Psalms is a lesson on how men should conduct the affairs of life both private and public.

The Benson Commentary states that the princes of the land should be the patrons of religion and virtue.  It was up to them to maintain the honor of laws, and to punish transgressors.  They were expected to consecrate a just portion of their time to public service and to promote the real happiness of the people of Jerusalem.  They were to be "patriot kings", honored of God and esteemed and beloved of men. (quote)

How wonderful this sounds!  To have rulers over you that would seek to be a benefit to an entire nation.  But, if you go back to the very first verses of Psalm 101, you will clearly see the pronoun "I".  It started with King David's heart.  He "owned" his responsibility, first to God, then to his personal life and actions, then to his lifestyle before others, and then to the nation of Israel.

How can we expect others to behave themselves wisely, if we do not "own" up to our own lifestyle, and take it under serious consideration before God?  The beauty of the anointed Word is this...the MORE you personally injest it; it begins to sift and cleanse and bring into focus the state of your own life.  It brings responsibility to its most crucial level, and that is personal accountability.

How can I expect punishment for others, and yet, let myself off the hook when it comes to thoughts, words or deeds that bring displeasure to the heart of my Father God?  How can I judge or criticize others transgressions when I justify mine?  Before God...I cannot.

To own my life is to take the highest responsibility over the spiritual, soulish and physical aspects and to daily go through the "land of my heart" and root up all that is wicked before God.  Oh,  I don't mean to be overly obsessed with looking for sin. But, to wait before God each day and let His Word come in and examine, expose, reveal, comfort and heal that part of me so that I can have the godly perspective and insight to benefit others.

Let us take from the lesson of Psalms 101 to seek to be "patriot kings", for are we not as believers called "kings and priests in the household of God"? (Revelation 1:6; Hebrews 4:6; I Peter 2:9).

Our prayer is for the Holy Spirit of God to help us maintain our private and public life that we will be known as "patrons of religion an virtue".  As King David reported to God, "I will walk within my house in integrity and with a blameless heart", let us also daily give our report to the One of Whom we bear His Name.

Loving Him and you,

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