Wednesday, February 1, 2017

A New Heart

Morning Glory...

"As water reflects the face, so one's life reflects the heart."
Proverbs 17:9-10 ( NIV)

February is a month that inspires us to think of hearts and love.  It is a good time for us to reflect on the condition of our own heart, and whether it is filled with the love of God.

Matthew 22:37 offers the very strong command by Jesus when He said..."Love the Lord your God with all your HEART and with ALL your soul and with all your mind." NIV

This commandment was declared the "greatest" of all commandments because it would require that the individual would incorporate all that he was to this endeavor.

Our lives are to "reflect" the love of God.  As we daily take time to look into His Face...His Word...then we can be assured that our hearts will be changed. 

Don't seek for outward things to change how you live.  Let the Word of God change you inwardly and then yield your heart to reflect that change to others.

The Lord's faithful promise from Ezekiel 36:26..."I  will give you a NEW HEART and put a NEW SPIRIT in you..." is the assurance that you and I can have today that He is faithful.

The Word of God is the Source and the Sustainer.
The Word of God is the Living Water.
The Word of God is the great command that will bless those who honor it.

Loving Him and you,

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