Tuesday, January 31, 2017


Morning Glory...

Today in prayer, the Holy Spirit quickened me to "ban" the devil!  Recently, our President placed a ban which restricted questionable and unsafe aliens from entering our country.  Many are angry at him, but the larger picture is that he is doing what a leader should do...defend his people!!

Well, Jesus is our Highest Defender!
He came to deliver us out of darkness and transfer us into the kingdom of His love (Colossians 1:13).  The powers of darkness spoken of in Ephesians 6 are to be resisted for they are intent on evil.

In Matthew 18:18, Jesus told His disciples that they had the power to "bind and loose".  He pointed them to the way things are done in heaven, and then said that if they were to encounter anything on this earth that was not being done in this heavenly way....to bind or loose...whatever was needed.

To "ban" means to :
Prohibit, forbid, disallow, bar, suppress, etc.

Jesus defeated satan through the giving of His Life as a sacrifice, becoming sin for us, shedding His blood to pay the penalty, and then nailing the curse upon the cross.  He met the full extent of God's Holy Law against sin, and then set us, the captives, free from having to live under it.

Satan continues to seek whom he may kill, steal, and destroy  with sickness, poverty, and sin.  Although he is an outlaw, he is SEEKING always to re-enter the lives of humanity through their ignorance of what Jesus has won for them.

The Good News is that TODAY we can receive that Good News, be born again, walk as sons and daughters of God, and BAN that lying devil through the Word of God, the Name of Jesus, and His blood!!

We can "forbid" satan's access.
We can "bar" his lies.
We can "suppress" his actions.

Hear Jesus tell YOU today..."whatsoever YOU allow on earth is allowed in heaven..."

What does God allow?
Well, His Kingdom is ruled by joy.
His Kingdom in ruled by love.
His Kingdom is ruled by peace.
His Kingdom has streets of gold.
His Kingdom has no end!!

Satan wants to steal your joy, rob you of peace, murder the love God wants you to live in.  BAN HIM!!  Get the Word of God in your heart and in your mouth.  Use that two edged sword to slice satan to pieces TODAY!!

Live outwardly from the kingdom of love that you have been placed in by grace.  Keep your mind fixed upon Jesus.  Keep your heart centered upon His Word.  Refuse and BAN all thoughts that are contrary to the Good News!

Amen and amen!!!


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