Friday, September 23, 2016

God Forgive Us? He Already Has!!!

Morning Glory...

When Jesus was suffering on the cross, He cried out to His Father to forgive.  (Luke 23:34)
When He raised Lazarus from the dead, Jesus made a statement that should encourage all of our hearts when in prayer...You always hear me. (John 11:42)
God "heard" Jesus' prayer then and from the cross and answered.

In I John 1:9, we are taught that "if WE confess OUR sin, He, God, is just and faithful to forgive US of all our sin, and to continuously cleanse us from all unrighteousness".

People all over this nation are seeking God's forgiveness for the sins of America.
God HAS forgiven.  The punishment for ALL sin was put upon Jesus. (Romans 6:10)

I cannot go to God and ask that He forgive you.
He HAS forgiven you.  You need to realize this and accept it.
Each person has to go to God and RECEIVE the forgiveness that is at the Throne Room of Grace, and turn from all wickedness to follow after God.
When Jesus dealt with individuals, He usually commanded them AFTER He ministered to them to "go and sin NO MORE!"
First grace...then accountability for that one who received the grace.
If you and I are engaged in sin, we need to repent, and then GO to God to receive the forgiveness already at the Throne Room.
Then, we need to be so thankful that we are forgiven, that we learn how to live in such a way that it pleases God.

I have to learn how to forgive you the way Jesus HAS forgiven you.
You have to learn that same hard lesson.
Jesus bore YOUR sin, and its punishment. (Isaiah 53:4-5)

I cannot bear the responsibility for your sin.
You cannot bear mine.
Jesus is the only One Who could take on that awful task.
He did. (John 3:16)

But, as I understand the great love that He has for both of us, then I have to apply what I understand towards you.
I received His grace and that should change me.
Grace should change me.

Until I receive the free gift of grace offered by God through Jesus Christ, I will remain unchanged and sin will dominate me.
I need to tell you and others that God HAS forgiven, and that Truth SHOULD begin to change us.

Romans 2:4 boldly declares that God's goodness LEADS men TO repentance.  Goodness leads.

If this nation is going to change; then it is because God's people "walk in the light" and our new life in Christ will be a sharp contrast to those around us.

God did not call us to "understand sin".
God dealt with sin Face to face.  He defeated its power to rule over us. (Romans 6... the whole chapter)
He is now with us to help us deal with our individual sin, and to live a life that brings glory to Him.

So, do we pray?  Yes.
But, not to seek God's forgiveness for others.
It is THERE.  They need to be "led" to God's Goodness.
They are bound in their sin if they are committing acts that exalt sin.

What am I saying?
Stop asking God to do again and again what He has done.
Spend time thanking God for His forgiveness for yourself and for others.
Learn to understand His grace.
Ask God to take that knowledge and LIVE it before others.
Change your lifestyle so that it honors God.

Be accountable before God and man.
Let your light shine.
Walk after the Spirit and not after the flesh.

Loving Him and you,

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