Saturday, August 17, 2013

What's In Your Head?

Morning Glory...

This morning, as I sat on the back patio reading in Ephesians, a sentence grabbed my attention.  This translation, by Arthur S. Way, is so beautiful.  He writes in "pictures".  He uses words in such a colorful and descriptive way, that the Bible takes on another hue.

In this particular passage in chapter one, it reads...

"if you have learnt that you must pass through a process of renewal by the Spirit dwelling in your mind..."

To receive Christ, is to receive the Holy Spirit.  He was the One Who led you to Christ Jesus, and He is the One, Who, is committed to finishing the divine work of grace that was begun in you through your born again experience.

Did you notice it said by the Spirit dwelling in your mind?  How does He dwell there?  I Corinthians 3:16 says that the Christian is God's sanctuary and His Temple.  John, chapter 14, speaks of the Holy Spirit, Who will come to lead you into Truth.   Acts 2:2-4 tells us that God gave us the Holy Spirit, to fill our hearts with love.  John, chapter 3, says that the Holy Spirit was given to represent God to us.  So, all of these, plus many more, scriptures shows us that it is through Truth and Love.

Romans 5:5 The power of the life-giving Spirit -- and this power is mine through Christ Jesus -- has freed me from the law of sin and death. Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. If your sinful nature controls your mind, there is death. But if the Holy Spirit controls your mind, there is life and peace.

The Holy Spirit was sent to lead us into Truth.  The Gospel is God's Truth.  Jesus is the Good News that God sent.  When that Truth finds a place in your mind, you will have peace with God.  This Truth "renews".  In other words, it cleanses the thoughts and emotions, and replaces doubt with faith, bitterness with praise, sadness with joy, and hopelessness with the God-kind of hope. 

What is so wonderful is that God sent Someone just like Himself, to assist you and I in receiving and understanding His Truth.  Don't be afraid of the Bible!  Open those everlasting words, and your heart to the Holy Spirit, Who is there to lead you.  Acknowledge His Presence.  Thank Him for helping you.  Don't give up on seeking God's Word.  It is His power unto freedom, wholeness, healing, and blessing!

Find a GOOD Bible church, that teaches the FULL gospel.  We need the Holy Spirit.  We need Him in our minds.  We need to keep walking towards God, and not away from Him.  He began the process in you, and He will finish it as you place your heart in His.

Have a blessed weekend, and GO TO CHURCH!!!

Loving Him and you,

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