Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OVERWHELMED!!!- Psalms 23

Morning Glory!

This morning as I worshiped my Father from Psalms 23, I was overwhelmed in my soul for His goodness.  I always begin my worship from Romans 12; presenting myself to Him AS a living sacrifice.  I pour over the verses 1-3, meditating on HOW to present myself to Him in accordance with His Word.  We often come to Him apologizing for the sins of the day, the week, the month, the year, the life, etc.  But His Grace says we are to employ our reasoning mind to come before Him and see ourselves as He sees us....holy, devoted, consecrated, and well -pleasing.  What a contrast in how we think He sees us.

     From the altar of Romans 12, He led me to Eph.4:23, Eph. 1:4, I Cor. 2:6, and then we walked to Psalms 23 where the depth of fellowship in what He has provided for us just overwhelmed.  It started in verse 1 where in the  Amplified Bible the Spirit of Grace brought forth three actions that our Great Shepherd daily performs for His people.

He FEEDS, GUIDES and SHIELDS us!  Whether it be spiritual or physical, Jesus has become to the belieiving heart the epitomy of everything our personal or spiritual lives need. What I want to share those is what each verse declares that our Wonderful Saviour has committed Himself to for you and I.  It so blessed me, and I pray today that you will drink deep and be fed on these truths.

Verse 1 - The Lord is my (note the first person, the personal relationship declared here),Shepherd
                TO:  (1) Feed
                        (2) Guide
                        (3) Shield
Verse 2 - He makes (this word means to place a strong hand upon the shoulder of someone to steady
                them, to calm them) lie down in fresh, green, tender pastures.  My God, look at the care He
                takes over each one of us!  No dry, bitter, dusty fare from our Lord!!
Verse 3 - He refreshes and restores our "selfs".  My personality is different from yours, and yet He
               knows what each one of us has gone through, what we have lost, what we have thrown
               in ignorance or sin, and yet he RESTORES us.  None of us are lost causes.
               He leads us in the paths of righteousness.  In other words He teaches us how to be right
               with God.  Do we deserve this?  Is this due us?  Did we earn it as the Amplified says?  NO
               It is for us to know so that through this we can bring glory to His Name!!
Verse 4 - He is with us through every step of the shadowy parts of life.  He isn't an just observing
               our struggles, our mistakes...NO, NO, NO,..He is THERE protecting, guiding, and
               comforting us.
Verse 5 - He prepares a table that only the redeemed are welcomed to.  Oh, yes, our enemy is
               watching the blessings Jesus is pouring on us, and he is insanely jealous because he lost
               all his estate before God in his rebellion, and he ain't happy at the glorious blessings
               that Jesus has poured out upon you or I.  He is going to try and take it from us, but he IS
               defeated and he KNOWS it!!
               He anoints our heads with oil which is the symbology of authority, kingship, and rule.
              This is His intention for us, child of God!
               He fills our cups to brimming over because He drank the cup of bitterness FOR us!!!
              This is what really overwhelmed me this morning!  I cannot explain all the thoughts
               that went through my head, but I was humbled by God's love for me.  Humbled, I say!
Verse 6 - Surely goodness, mercy and UNFAILING love is then sent by our Savior to accompany
                us all the days of our lives.  He not only goes before to make, refresh, restore, lead, 
               prepare, anoint, and fill; He then sends His glory to surround us.

May God bless your soul today with such overwhelming insight that these words will transfrom you from GLORY TO GLORY!!  God bless you.

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