Friday, January 18, 2013

"This is GOOD STUFF!!!"

Morning Glory!!

Did religion teach you that salvation meant that it's only blessing was going to heaven?  Many are.  They receive Jesus as their Savior, and yet daily struggle with their Christian walk.  They read their Bibles and hear the stories of how Jesus healed and delivered when He was manifested on this earth, and yet in their own lives they only experience frustration and defeat.

If I showed you a scripture in the Old Testament that PROVES what God wanted for you before you were  even born, would you read it and believe it?  Oh, I pray so.  This morning as I spent such precious time loving my Heavenly Father from Psalms 103; He showed me a truth that caused such rejoicing and gratefulness in me.

Psalms 103:1 - Bless the Lord, o my soul (mind, will and emotions).  This is the second part of your triune being.  This means your reasoning and thinking capacity. You are to "think" about God.  The word bless means to eulogize.  It's meaning is to speak well.  Most of us get this when we are dead, but here in this passage it means NOW.  Speak well of God now.

Some of you might say..."well, I don't know that much about God, so what do I say?"  God is so good.  He tells you in the next verses what He has done so that you can just repeat it back to Him.  Isn't that easy??  So, let's spend the next few moments....eulogizing...God.  Let us speak well of Him.  Let us magnify or make large what He has done.  Let us celebrate what His Word declares He HAS performed for us.  This is all in the meaning of BLESS!!.

Verse 2....REMEMBER all His benefits.  This means an active use of your mind.  You are to "think"
                about what He has provided in the Covenant of Grace.  You are to focus on these truths in
                other words.  When satan tries to fill your mind with worry, you are to REMEMBER God
Verse 3....WHO FORGIVES ALL YOUR INIQUITES....Hey!!!  I wasn't born before this was
                  written, and yet these eternal words are yesterday, today and forever!!!  God made a
                 decision to forgive us BEFORE we even understood what it meant TO sin!!   Let this
                 soak into that marvelous sponge in your skull!!  Sin does not take God by surprise.  He
                 had the remedy before it ever appeared in the heart of man!!
Verse 3....WHO HEALED ALL YOUR DISEASES....Hey!!!  This is all in the same sentence. 
                Forgiveness AND Healing!!! If God didn't want sin to rule over your life, He doesn't want
                sickness or disease to rule over your life, either!!!  He didn't just come to prepare a place
                for us in the sweet by and by.  This is NOW TRUTH!!  This is NOW BENEFITS!!  Gods'  
                Name is the Great I AM....not the Great Gonna Be, or the Great Maybe, or the Great I Will!

Folks, I don't have time to go on into the rest of these benefit, but you have a Bible!!  Read for yourself what God did BEFORE you ever had an electrical current go through your brain producing a thought!!!  I am jumping up and down inside, and also outside ( if I had a computer camera, I'd show you).  This is GOOD STUFF!!!

I dare you to spend even a few minutes every day just reading this passage out loud and see what it does for you!  Let me know!  I will post your praise reports!!!  I AM BLESSED!!!  I AM FORGIVEN AND I AM HEALED.

Need more scriptures on this?  Read Isaiah 53, I Peter 2:24, Psalms 107:20, Psalms 23.  Go ahead!!!  I DARE you to look in the Father's Face today!  Your blessing IS provided, body, soul and spirit!!

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