Thursday, January 17, 2013


Morning Glory!

To the best of my understanding; what Jesus did in that Garden of Gethsemane was to show the human heart that its greatest battle was to learn Who to trust and turn to in all trouble.  Jesus showed how to win the battle of the soul (mind, will, and emotions).  He led by example when He went off to pray and spend time with the Father.  He bowed His knee and submitted His human will to the Father Who called Him, "My Beloved Son".

He did not do this out of an attitude of "oh, well, I guess its time to pray"!  He prayed or fellowshipped constantly with the Father, and KNEW intimately the heart of God.  This relationship He came to show us, so that in our times of trials or temptations we could win our victories on our knees in trust and adoration to the One Who knows the plans and purposes for our lives.

Oh, how He must have missed heaven, and yet He so loved this world (me and you), that He gladly gave it up to be born a human and to fufill His purpose as the Lamb of God Who would take away our sins. He loves this world still.  He established a divine entity called "the church", and filled her with Himself.  This is Christianity.  An assembly of people indwelt by the Living God, that is called to carry on her Master's work with His power and authority.

Had He not died, this entity would not exist.  He planted Himself as the Divine Seed, and we were born again.  Glory!!!

We cannot submit, therefore, to any worldly attitudes nor thoughts that derail us from the purpose He has called us to.  We have to stand up in Him, and daily refuse to give in to any thought that opposes the Word of God.  Our Victory over the wiles and deceits of the wicked one has been established. He sits upon the Throne of Grace, and yet lives within the Believer throught the power and Presence of the Holy Spirit.

While at the Andrew Wommack Conference I had a sister in Christ command me to "take my place"!  She meant for me to stand again in the freedom and blessings of my union with Christ.  I'll share more on that later. She released an authority that literally woke me up!  It was like coming out of the shadows into the sunlight.

Child of God....begin to refuse, I mean it, REFUSE to bow to the spirit of this world.  He is a defeated enemy.  Jesus BROKE his power, and satan knows it. Do YOU??  Oh, yes, terrible things are happening in this world!  But, IN YOU, lives the Conqueror, and He wants you and I to rise up, and begin to speak His authority in this realm. 

Today, as I worshipped God from Psalms 103, oh how I was reminded of all the blessings we have been given.  He wants us to be renewed to these truths every day.  They will increase strength, joy, peace, and power in your soul. 

He is setting the Table!  Ready to eat with the Lord?  Open your Covenant of Grace today.  Don't wait.  Don't let that worm called satan tempt you with the rotting, putrid wares of his buffet.  Run to the Table of the Lord NOW, and dine with Majesty on High!  You've been delivererd OUT of darkness....don't go back.  Ding,ding....He is ringing the bell for YOU!!

Jesus left Heaven, came to earth, lived as a God-Man, died for you, restored you to God, and lifted His banner of love over you.  He is calling you today. Answer Him.  The door is open, sin is paid for, satan is defeated and He is Lord!!

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