Monday, September 3, 2012


Morning Glory!!

When I saw this posted on Facebook this morning, I felt an immediate heart response.  Many years ago the Lord taught me from Ephesians 6 that He has given me an unfailing armor that is based on His Character and His Victory.  What He asks of me is to "stand" in that victory. 

Oh, for me that's hard.  It is for most.  We continue to think that there must be SOME...THING we can do to fix our lives, the lives of others, our breaking hearts, and hurting souls.  I've been there too often.  I keep thinking that "if" I can say the right thing, give the right gift, roll over, sit up, play dead, or jump through hoops, then maybe I can break through and it will finally be resolved.

The Creator gave each one of us a free will.  Oh, we glory in that when we want to do what we want to do.  But, when that free will is to be brought into subjection to the Master's will, and it must bend its stiff neck and knees to pick up its cross...well, that's when the war begins.

Jesus asked me this year to take I Corinthians 13 as my soul's lesson.  I have not been faithful to meditate on this blessed chapter as I should.  It is hard to "believe the best", when the clouds of sadness, inferiority, intimidation, loneliness, and difficulty are swirling around your mind, obscuring your view, and squeezing the joy out of your heart.

The problem with free will, though, is that the other folks have one, too!  This means that no matter how we strain to get the other person to understand, they won't until they are ready and willing to let go of what is blocking their hearts from really listening to you.  Listening, today, is a lost art.  We all have our Justified Position to which we cling ferociously, and prevents any kind of Bridge of Grace from being built.

So, what do we do then?  Live under the clouds?  I cannot personally tolerate that thought.  I know that I must return to the One Who has the comfort for my own soul.  He sees, knows, and has the answer.  He knows that I need to come to Him, fix my eyes upon His unfailing Word, believe that He can do IMPOSSIBLE things for me, and stand still in faith while He works Grace into the situation.

Oh, I've tread this path many times.  I must stay on it, for it is narrow, but leads to life.  Yes, I'll pick up my sword, His Word, and look with all of my might upon the One Who has won life's victory for me.  He will wipe away my tears.  He will hide me in the shadow of His Wings.  He will help me to yield my will to His Word, and "believe the best" again, and again, and again.

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