Tuesday, April 24, 2012

This morning as Herb and I prayed together, a deeper realization came into my heart of "trusting" the Lord.  As we lifted up our family in prayer, I realized how so very important it is that we learn to lean on the Word of God for each one that we hold dear.

If we stop, look at the details in our lives and the lives of others, those details can influence every thought we have.  But, if we take God's Word, place it in the forefront, refuse to dwell on anything but what He has promised He will do, then those very unsettling details will lose their ability to antagonize our hearts.

You see, we do not have the power to control another human being.  Oh, we try.  We can attempt to influence the soul (mind, will, and emotions) of another, but ultimately, their life is governed by the choices they make.  What is amazing to me is that even in the most tangled mess, God, through the faithful prayers of His believing ones, can enter into a life, and can begin to re-introduce wisdom, compassion and direction.

We should never throw up our hands in despair....NEVER!  When we do, we are saying that we cannot see a way out for that one we love.  It is because we are looking at that situation with limited vision.  God's vision is not limited.  He loved each one of us when we were dead in our sin, unable to save ourselves, and He sent forth The Answer....His Son...His Good News to the helpless, the hopeless, the lost, the angry, the disillusioned, the hurting, and the ignorant.

When we turn to Him, and believe in our hearts that He is the God of the impossible, then everything that fits within that category comes under the anointing of Divine Grace.  He once told me that He wanted to take that word out of my vocabulary.  I have to let that word "impossible" go.  I have to bring everything and everyone to Him, stand there at the Throne Room and "see" through the Spirit of Grace that the greatest, most wonderful, absolutely powerful God is there to help me.

When I do...I can let go and let God be God for all that I desire and long to see.

So...believe Him today!!

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