Sunday, April 22, 2012

Never Alone...NO...Never Alone

This morning as I spent time worshiping God, I was made so much more aware of the wonder of knowing that His Word to us is true.  He sent His Word...His very Son...His Heart...His Will to us.  He wants us to KNOW His love in such a deep and intimate way, that He sent Love to live IN us.  The Spirit of the Living God was sent to us, just like He was sent to Jesus when He was baptized in the Jordan.  Never to depart....the One Who will lead and guide into the Truth.

He, the Spirit of Truth, will bring understanding to the mind and joy to the soul.  He will magnify Jesus to each one of us in such a way, that we will be filled with great rejoicing over what the Father has freely given to us in the Son.

His love and care and mercy and kindness toward us is so great, that even though we are beseiged by satanic assaults from within and from without....He, Our God...Our Victor...Our Master...through the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit, stands up IN us, and endues us with His strength, power, and ability to live as "conquerors" through Him.

He IS with us.
He IS God.
He IS the Author and the Finisher of the faith that has been given unto us to believe and receive.

He IS in our hearts.
He IS our God.
He IS our Champion, our Victor, our very Present Help in ALL trouble.

Acknowledge this truth today, and BE at rest in Him.
He will NEVER fail!!
His Spirit is within us to lead us to these truths, guide our hearts to believe, and then write these blessings in a place that no one can ever take them away from us.

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