Communion…….. by Charlotte Fortier
Humility. The Lord of all Creation humbled Himself by being born of a woman.
He offered His Body as a sacrifice for sin, and became sin for us.
The Creator and Ruler of Heaven came to this earth and dwelt among us.
He came to the world He created and was rejected.
He loved the most unlovely of us.
He accepted the most unacceptable of us.
Always gentle. Always kind. Always merciful. Always believing the best.
He loved us. Never condemned us. Welcomed us into His kingdom.
Washed away our filthiness and clothed us in His robes of righteousness.
Opened our eyes that we should see. Opened our hearts so we could
He came to lead us back from ways that led us astray.
He opened doors that no man could open. He shut doors no man could shut.
He lifted a Banner over our heads that declared His great love for us.
His Banner of Love. His Banner of Victory. His Banner of Redemption.
It never stops waving. The ground has been secured for us.
He got down on His knees and offered His Body and His Blood to men.
He told us that in accepting His sacrifice, we would be saved.
He told the truth, because He is the Truth.
He made the way for us to the Father, because He is the Way.
He illuminated our path, because He is the Light, the Word.
He became our Great High Priest; we became His Temple.
He is the Glory that illuminates and fills His Temple.
He is the Shekinah that is manifested in our spirits.
He is the God Who was and is, and is to come!
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