Jesus came to give and continues to give a precious commodity that we all need...JOY!
I know this subject has been almost talked out, but let us stop and realize that this precious commodity of joy has its beginning and no end in the very Person of Jesus Christ. During a most difficult season, as I was trying to battle severe depression, Jesus in His marvelous grace, helped me to see that He was the Joy of the Lord.
Remember when Jesus was baptized in the River Jordan, the Holy Spirit descended upon Him never to depart, and God spoke from heaven saying..."This is My Beloved Son, IN Whom I delight"? Well, that word delight means to find great joy in something (my very short definition).
God's love for His Son was termed in the word....delight! Jesus came to give to you and I that same relationship He had and has with the Heavenly Father. God gave that Delightful Son as His own very special Gift of Joy to us. IN Jesus came love, JOY, peace, kindness, patience, long-suffering, gentleness, self-control and faithfulness. The Life OF God was imparted, given, bequeathed, implanted, infused, re-created in our born again spirits, never to leave us, forsake us or abandon us.
This is why we can say that WE HAVE JOY, even when we are experiencing fiery darts of a most wicked fallen angel. It is because we have Someone united to us that has come with all the blessings of heaven, and He has the ruling majority on His side....God, the Father, and God, the Holy Spirit. All He needs to complete the carrying out of that authority, power and love is the ones He bequeathed it to.....YOU!
I may "feel" the sadness and sorrow that comes with the sin I see in myself or others. I may even suffer at the hands or life of another who is under bondage to sin, but, but, but, but, but...I cannot and will not be defeated nor live a defeated life because of The One Who walks with me and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own.
I stop. I remember. I remember again and again as I read His Word, that He is MY Light and MY Salvation, whom do I fear? I remember and drink of the Living Water that flows into my soul that nothing can separate me from the Love of God! I come to the table prepared by MY God, and I sit and eat of the Living Bread even though my enemy is gnashing his broken teeth at me. I chew very deliberately on..."a virtuous woman, who can find her, her value is greater than rubies or pearls.."
And...."even though I walk through the deep, sunless valley of the shadow of death....YOU ARE WITH ME!" I will walk through. I know Who is waiting for me. I know Who is with me. I know where He has been and where He is going, and He has made a right, straight, path for me to follow, and goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of me life.
Clothes will rot. Beauty of this world will fade. Worldly friends will come and go. Chasing after the god of this world and his deceitful riches will eventually leave you shaking your head. But, the Joy of the Lord, Jesus, will be your unending, eternal, forever Supply, and will tie your dancing shoes on you as you rejoice in Him and again I say rejoice!!!
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