Wednesday, January 11, 2012

62 - Today


Me!!  Sixty Two????
Ever hear that funny quote where a woman looks in the mirror and says...
"I looked in the mirror and saw my mother!"
Well, although my very missed mother did not have brown eyes, I sure have her perm!!!
Ha,ha,ha, ha,ha,ha,ha!!!
Seriously!  Several weeks ago I cut my hair, had two perms back to back(since the first one did not take),
and had my hair cut again!!!  What is it with old women and perms????
I'm one of them now!!!
Someone, quick.....tissues!!!

Just kidding.  The last birthday I had that made me cry was when I was 25 years old.
Now, THAT, was when I though life ended!
I have never regretted aging.  I refuse to.  Look what God did for Sara in the OT!
NOOOOO....I'm not pregnant (quick, smelling salts!)
But, her outward age could not dim the faith in her heart.

This is God's Birthday Gift to the believing woman.
He keeps her young from the inside out, even though her body and hair changes.
I once told my husband, Herb, that I would die my hair black (like Elvira's) until I was 100.
I lied!  My hair is now going the way of all who age....but I love it!

But, my heart continues to go His way.
As all who enter their sixties begin the fall and winter of their lives, we have
a God Who "renews our youth like the eagles, making us strong and overcoming"!
Yes, I miss many things of my youth, but growing in God's peace and His Presence,
is a blessing of "age" that I would not give up for any outward appearance.

I don't indulge in regrets anymore....time is too short!
I don't indulge in grudges or petty arguments anymore.....I'd rather use my time to praise Him.
I don't seek after what this world has become dull in the sight of His glory.
I don't allow my heart to be overburdened with people or circumstances...I cast it on Him!!

So...Happy Birthday, Old Woman....that's what we used to say to our mother.
My only wish, if I could have it, would be to have a house full of my family, altogether
at the same time.....AND......
a HUGE COCONUT CAKE like my Grandma used to make!

"This is the day the Lord has made....I will rejoice and be glad!!!

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