Monday, December 5, 2016

His Plan

Morning Glory...

Every time I see this picture, it touches me so.
My imagination goes wild thinking of how this Face of Jesus is made up of humanity.
He created man.
His plan was for this creation to have the most unbelievable relationship with Him.
We all know the story.  Adam blew it.  Sin ruled and man became lost to God.

But, but, but!!!
God became Man.
He personally came to this world to find His creation and restore that which was stolen.

Do you know He has made a place for you?
Do you realize that He is still reaching out for those that do not know His love?
Can your heart fathom Someone as great as God being willing to become human...our kind of human...tempted and order to show us how we could become like Him?

In doing the weekly craft shows, I have watched and listened to people as they browse through the crafts.  Inevitably, a conversation will begin and the heart of that person will be revealed.  Jesus came to the world.  He calls His people to go to the world.  The world around us needs to know this Gracious God.  They need to hear through us, His people, of how able He still is to save and to restore.

Take this Christmas season to give them the True Gift.
Let them see His Face, hear His Voice, be touched by His Grace...through you!
Be available to God.
Be willing to let Him use your life in a way that will change you forever.

Loving Him and you,

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