Tuesday, May 26, 2015

His Cause...My Blessing

Morning Glory...

Today as I read through Psalms 23 in a different translation, I saw the 2nd verse in a new way.

It reads..."He CAUSES me to lie down in pastures of tender grass.."
I looked up the word and found these definitions which I want to share with you today.

First, it is the Good Shepherd that is creating this action.  The prior verse is the first step into this blessing.  It says that "you will not lack".  In the  Amplified Bible it is rendered..."you shall not lack for any good thing".  I like that.

Jesus is called the GOOD Shepherd.  Throughout this psalm, His "good" is revealed in various ways.  His Character is first painted upon the canvas, so to speak.  He IS Good.  Not just the action of it, but He is good-ness in every sense of the word.  He is Personification of God's goodness. 

So what can I expect from Him?  Good!  What does He cause to happen to me as I expect that from Him?  Good!  The Holy Spirit has revealed Jesus to us through David's own experience of Jehovah.  He used David's heart and life to "pen" these experiences so that we can know what kind of character God's Son is.

As we look at the word "cause", let us grasp the blessing of this psalm.  As we think or meditate upon it, we will be refreshed in our souls, which is just more grace upon grace that God's goodness provides.

The meaning of cause:

To inspire, propel, move into, influence, mobilize, stir up

You can see by these action terms that Jesus is wanting us to move out of dry and bitter living into an experience where we have found a rest in His GOODness!  His is the power to influence us.  His is the power to inspire us.  He wants to stir us up inwardly so that we know more of that type of living rather than being moved by what we see outwardly.

We need to add our believing to His working.  He is always "shepherding" us.  He is always watching over us for He is faithful.  You may have been in a dry place for a long time, but know today, that Jesus wants you to trust His Presence in your life as Shepherd.

Read His promises.  Draw strength and encouragement from them.  Believe them and let them "cause" you to have soul rest even in the midst of life's turmoil.

Loving Him and you,

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