Monday, April 27, 2015

"Give It Up!"

Morning Glory...

Give IT up!
What is your IT that you need to truly give to the Lord?

Is it....fear?
Is it....anger?
Is it....worry?
Is it....jealousy?
Is it....anxiety?
Is it....intimidation?

What is YOUR "it"?

Can it be given up?
Yes!  How?  God's Word in the heart!

That's too simple an answer, Charlotte.
God always has a simple answer, loved ones!
We take God's simple answer, and challenge it to the point that it becomes a burden.

If you need to open an aluminum can, what do you use?
A hammer to beat it open?  NO.
A screw driver to drill a hole and leak out the contents?  NO.
A saw to saw it in half, spilling what is inside?  NO.

You USE the right tool.  A can OPENER!
Now, you can use a manual one or an electric one.
But, that tool was created to make our lives easier.

Faith is a God-given tool.
Galatians 2:20 says we have THE faith OF the Son of God!
We HAVE His faith to use.
Faith overcomes the world.
What is in the world? 
Fear, anger, worry, jealousy, anxiety, intimidation.

If these are rooted in your soul...the Word of God is the tool that can open your freedom, and give you the strength to GIVE IT UP!

It is all in the understanding.
God is with us to help us through the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will take the Word and empower you with it.
He will illuminate your understanding, and show you HOW to give up (repent, turn from, change your mind) to sin.

SIN!!!!!!! Yes, SIN!!!!!!!!!!
Fear, anger, worry, jealousy, anxiety, intimidation = SIN!
Sin is anything that is contrary to God's Word.

If you get into it, you can get out of it!
If it has come upon you, you can get rid of it.
If you yielded to it, you can GIVE IT UP!

Declare that today.  "I GIVE UP fear, anger, worry, jealousy, anxiety, intimidation.  I REFUSE to live in the sin of it.  I resist its staying on me in any form, in JESUS NAME!"

Stay with that no matter how you feel.  Stay with God's Word.  Find out who you are and Who you belong to. 
Live IN the Promises of God's Word today.
Find them.  Read them. Receive them.  Use them.

Loving Him and you,

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