Morning Glory...
Today I heard an excellent teaching on the supernatural life that God has called us to live. Within one hour of hearing this life changing teaching....a storm arose against my life. Remember when Jesus fed the five thousand, then the disciples got into the boat to cross the Jordan? What came at them? A storm. Jesus said in Mark, chapter 4, that satan comes immediately to steal the Word out of our hearts!! Well, this is what happened to me this morning.
You see, I am being taught how to enter a deeper life of praise. Oh, I've heard it before, and practiced it to some degree, but this time it is different. It is beyond the time for me to mature in this area of my life. And, if you stop and think, it is for you, also!!
Yesterday, I shared a "Praise Phrase" from Psalms 1 regarding what God has prepared for your loved one to live. He gave this to me before my own husband was saved, and the Word became life to Herb and me. This aren't sweet little religious phrases. God's Word IS Life to those who find them, health and healing to all their flesh.
I want to share another "Praise Phrase" today with you. It comes from what happened this morning, and is bringing greater focus and determination in my own life to trust in God and not the arm of the flesh. Faith comes by HEARING. Stop wishing God would do something. Start using your faith and believe His Word. Fight against those fears that are trying to hold you in bondage. Go to His Word, speak it out, and as you do, set your will to believe what you are speaking. Don't try to make something up. The lives of many victorious saint are recorded in that Bible. Use the very words the Holy Spirit inspired them to speak and write!
Today's "Praise Phrase" is out of Psalms 146...
"Lord, I praise You as long as I live. I will not put my trust in the son of man, in whom there is no help! I am happy because I have You, the God of special revelation to help me, and my hope is IN You. You made the heaven and the earth. You keep truth and You ARE faithful forever!! I praise You for executing justice for all who are oppressed. I praise You for setting _________________________________ free. (Now if you know someone in captivity to emotional fears, physical dependencies, religious spirits, put their name here).
I praise You for opening the eyes of _____________________________________, and for lifting them up that have been bowed down by satan's oppression. I praise You, Lord, for loving them more than I can ever know, and for protecting them, preserving them, and for making every crooked way straight before them! Receive all the glory, Lord, for Your great mercy, love and power for _________________________________."
Praise, according to Dr. Bill Winston, brings God on the scene. He is Who we need to turn to, put our trust in, and find all the help we need.
Just remember that Jesus HAS defeated satan. The only weapons that he can use against use is lies, insinuations, doubts, and intimidations. Never forget that GOD is our Victory over all the works of the enemy today!
Loving Him and you,
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