Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stepping Out by E.W. Kenyon

Morning Glory...

An excerpt today from one of my favorite teachers...E.W.Kenyon!!  What a faith builder he was.  Read and enjoy!!

Stepping out of sin-consciousness into son-consciousness is stepping out of failure into success.
It means stepping out of that inferiority complex that has held you prisoner for years.
It means becoming the thing you have dreamed.
Do you remember the picture in the magazine of the little scrawny fellow sitting by the side of a great, big muscular man, seeing the big man take his girl away from him?  Then, the little scrawny man goes to the gym, develops his muscles until they are strong.  He goes out able to face other men unafraid.
You to into God's gym and come in contact with the Great Gymnastic Teacher of spiritual things.  You let Him put you through a course until you stand in front of the world complete in all His finished work, until your inferiority has been swallowed up in His dominant, victorious Spirit.  You then whisper, "Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.," or "than the doubts and fears that worked in me in the past."
We have a Master now who builds us up.  We do not have to walk with a sense of failure or inability.  We now walk in Him.  We are linked with Him.  We are filled with His ability.  We can say "goodbye" to dark, unhappy days of the past.  We can now climb the highlands of faith.
We do not have to live in worry, anymore.  Lack does not lord over us anymore.  We have the Mighty One Who has taken us over, and has changed our sin-consciousness into a son-consciousness.
Loving Him and you,

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