I Corinthians 11:25-26....In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me." For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.
Communion is a time of remembrance.
It is a thoughtful time. A specific time to remember Jesus, and what His death accomplished for you and I. I mentioned in another writing that as a child, I was taught that taking communion was to remind me of my sin that crucified Jesus, and that I always felt guilty and bad for having done that to Someone Who was innocent.
But, now, that I know what Jesus has done for me, communion has become a time of great joy. Yes, I sin. We all do. But...the believer in Christ Jesus has been given the answer and the victory regarding sin. It is His blood. I am currently reading Larry Huggin's book.."The Blood Speaks". It is such a precious reminder of what Jesus suffered in order to give us the life of God.
Hebrews 12:2..."looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Who for the JOY set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Jesus suffered a horrible, excruciatingly painful death, but He did it with JOY, because He knew that the sacrifice of His blood would crush satan's head, and set captives free.
Oh, that we could truly see into the heart of Jesus, and feel what went through His heart and mind as He embraced that cross upon which He became our Lamb that was slain! He GAVE His life, and then commanded us to REMEMBER what the giving of that life released for us who were dead in our sins, unable to save ourselves, and in such need of grace and forgiveness!!
When I take the bread...I see the Crucified One bleeding on that cross! When I take the cup...I see the blessing I received from that pure and holy blood poured out for me. I HAVE BEEN FORGIVEN! I have been accepted! I have been delivered from sins dominion and satan's power!! I have been united to Christ Jesus, and have become a new creature in Him. The old things have passed away and BEHOLD....I have become brand new in my born again spirit!
My God and My Savior!!! How I worship You!! You did not give me a cup of condemnation to drink. You drank that for me. You did not put sickness and disease in that cup for me to drink. You drank that cup for me. You did not give me a cup of sorrow or despair to drink! You drank that cup for me!! You did not give me a cup of poverty! You drank that cup for me!!
Now..."I"...proclaim Your death. I proclaim what Your death did for me! It opened heaven to me! It gave me a New Father of Spirits! It gave me a new life. It gave me a throne room of grace to daily approach and receive mercy for my failures and grace to help just when I need it!! Glory to God!!!
The very next time you participate in communion, and if you are a believer in Christ Jesus, you ARE to participate, then REMEMBER, child of God....REMEMBER...what Jesus HAS done for you. If you have sinned....the blood is there to remind you of mercy! Not judgement!! Fear comes through not accepting the sacrifice. Peace was made for us through His blood!! Rejoice in that!!
Sin has been paid for! Accept that payment! Rejoice that your account with God is paid in full!! If you still feel heavy or burdened about something....then turn from it. Stop doing that which brings condemnation and RUN to the One Whose blood is upon the Mercy Seat before God's Throne of Grace for you and I.
Anyone want to shout with me??? Anyone want to dance in joy before God with me??? Hey!! This is the day that He has made! We can rejoice and be glad because we are LOVED, ACCEPTED, and FORGIVEN!!
H A L L E L U J A H!!!!
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