Thursday, September 14, 2017

Are You Willing?

Morning Glory...

This morning the Lord asked me a question.
It was..."are you willing to love, even though you receive nothing in return?"

What prompted that question was the intense feelings of love that I have for my children and grandchildren.  This love I have felt has been both a blessing and a torment (at times).  Loving others can feel that way.

When we express love to someone in whatever form, we genuinely desire a response to that love.  It seems to validate the worthiness of what you have given.  But, when no response comes, we tend to feel as though what was given was not good enough, because if it had been, then surely that person would want to express their appreciation for it...right?

The question the Lord asked me this morning, was to help me examine my own intentions in giving love.  God's heart in giving is always just in the "joy" of the act.  He considers the one that He is giving to as precious in His sight.  John 3:16..."for God SO loved the world, that He gave...".  

Ephesians (my favorite book of the Bible) describes in detail the intense love that God loves with.  My understanding of that kind of love needs the inspiration and help of the Holy Spirit.  God loved spiritually dead people. People that could not even respond.  He gave His love in spite of their condition.

Our way of loving is to give, but..., if we don't get the proper response, we withhold from giving again.  We then mete out love to the more deserving.  But, to love God's way, then I must learn to just GIVE, even though, the object of my love may or may not even appreciate the heart that gave the love.

Only through a revelation of Ephesians and I Corinthians 13 will I walk in a "godly" love.  It's Source never fails.  Even when it is strained to the nth never fails.  I want to grow in this kind of love even though it can be scary.  This love demands a desire for the "best" of others even if they are currently living the "worst".

God's love does not compromise holiness, though.  It does not enter the sin of others in order to prove that love.  God's love sees beyond the sin, and places a preciousness on the receiver.

Love simply gives because of the joy of knowing the quality of the love that is being given.  I need to trust the Holy Spirit to take this amazing gift and pray for the one I am sending it to that they will recognize the true Source of this love...Jesus.

How shall I answer God's question to me?  "O, Lord, open the eyes of my understanding, reveal Your way of loving to me that I can walk in the experience of it for the blessing of others.  Thank You, for giving me the Holy Spirit to help me, teach me, and train me in this marvelous love that is revealed in Your Word."

Loving Him and you,

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