Saturday, October 24, 2015

What's In The Box

Morning Glory....

What's In the Box?

I know it is late in the afternoon, but wanted to share what the Lord gave to me to give to our congregation.  I have been teaching on Mark 4, on the parable of the sower sows the Word.  It has been a good teaching, and one that has reminded the saint that God has given us His Word to teach us how the enemy will try and steal the Word out of our hearts..."if" we allow him to do this.

I am thoroughly convinced of what God HAS done for the born again believer.  He taught me years ago, that what took place on that cross was a finished work.  It is now up to us to learn what is ours, and fight the GOOD fight of faith to hold on to our blessings.

The other night the Lord showed me that when we receive Jesus as our Savior and Lord...that we receive a complete package.  I saw this box.  On the outside of the box was written the Name of Jesus. When I looked into the box I saw a scroll written with the covenant blessings that God HAS GIVEN through Him.

Also, in this box was a letter from the Father. It clearly stated that He gave us everything freely, and that we have to hold fast and not allow the enemy to steal our blessings.

In this box was an eraser showing that all of our sins have been erased and God remembers them no more.  There was also a candle to symbolize our new birth and that God rejoices over us as a celebration.

I put this little box together today to give to our congregation tomorrow.  I want them to know that they have to rise up, resist the devil, make him flee, and rejoice in covenant blessings that have been freely given through Christ Jesus.

I hope they will hold onto their little boxes as a simple reminder of the love and grace of God that gave Him...Jesus...The Gift from Heaven.

I pray today that you will increase in this knowledge.

Loving Him and you,

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